
Flexible Schedule Options

Half Day Sessions

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (6:30AM -9:00AM before care included) 

Full Day Sessions

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (6:30AM -6:00 PM before/after care included) 



An infant's environment is their curriculum. Our infant classroom provides opportunities for endless love and affection as well as ample opportunities to safely explore their surroundings. Our infants are stimulated through a colorful, responsive and nurturing classroom with many sensory activities provided daily. 


The Starting Point Toddler curriculum supports the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of each child. This is the time when children use their bodies, senses, and emerging problem-solving skills to learn about and make sense of their world in the ways most meaningful and effective for them.Toddlers actively seek out information, they learn quickly and easily, and are especially interested in demonstrating independence. We allow them the freedom to learn as much as they can through learning based discovery.


Preschool and Jr. Pre- k

The Starting Point Preschool curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child. Building on their previous experiences, we introduce age appropriate academics that they can master at their own pace while gaining more independence. Self care is taught and reinforced daily. A variety of discovery based language, science and mathematics experiences create a balanced day along with music, movement, and art exploration.


Pre Kindergarten is an exciting and magical time for children and families. Graduation is close and the teachers intend to prepare the children for kindergarten. Biannual assessments will provide insight into children's abilities.We will be focusing on these key skill areas : letter and sound recognition, vocabulary, pre-reading and writing skills, math, science, music, art, and social skills


School Age Before and After care

Children are welcome to spend mornings and afternoons with our before and after care staff. Supervised activities and homework help are provided daily. 

Summer Camp

In the Starting Point Summer Camp, your child will experience a fun, enrichment program. Each day, we will explore something new: Monday - STEM, Tuesday - Science, Wednesday - Field Trips, Thursday- Hip Hop, Friday - Karate. We offer cooking, waterplay, outdoor games, and cool summer crafts to keep our campers engaged while enjoying a fun filled summer.




  • Outdoor Play

  • Field Trips

  • Music

  • Creative Art

  • Karate

  • Dance